May 22, 2011

Wowieee!!!! It's going to end soon in 3 more weeks.... sigh

Hyie Bloggy! It's been a long time since I chatted with you! XD It's going to be the end of Grade 6 and most people are going to leave ISKL... I often wondered why they have to leave but the only answer I got is "This is life." I mean seriously?! Isn't there another answer? Even though I want to talk more, I can't really because "This is life!" What else would I write about? The end of another school year...
There are lots of works that we did in 6th grade but I find that the Tic Tac Toe are the ones that I am proud of because I love fun works and not serious ones. (you can actually see that because I goofed off on the first paragraph :P) In T.T.T., Mrs Narsiman gave us a 3 - 3 rubric and we have to chose three assignments to do. Like how you play tic tac toe. For the first tic tac toe, I'm with Li-yen, she is like my twin because people get mixed up with us but we don't look alike :\, and Kamilla who is always organised she told us what to do and we just followed she did the writing while me and Li-yen did the creative things XD I feel so mean to Kamilla now that I think back! Giving Kamilla all the hard writing and me doing the drawing. We did the Mafatu's Island, Neanderthal Comic and the Courage essay. Everything turned out good but after the presentation, some people destroyed our Island. Maybe they didn't like it or they are jealous... XD the second and the last T.T.T., we did fun assignments and those assignments are Diary, Religion Rap, and Notable Leader Imovie. I did these assignments with Kamilla again, but with Fynnola this time. Not Li-Yen. I did the Rap and it was kind of fail but I liked it because I made the Rap into a remix and it turned out to be kind of cool because we were the only only ones doing a remix. And I feel proud of that because we are special. XD
My greatest challenge is doing the literature circles. Every time I read a book, I just read. I don't read and tell people which part is important and what I don't understand. I just don't like to tell everyone what I think or feel about the book. So the greatest challenge is to find a good passage and think of a question that is good enough to get a good grade. It wasn't me so at the beginning, I worked very hard to get a passage and did whatever I had to do on the Literature circle sheet. That was my greatest challenge.
Even though school work is important, but behavior is also important. I'm a satisfactory based on Nadia's opinion. Why she say that? Well she told me that I goofed off sometimes and I talk to my friends when I am suppose to be listening to the teacher telling me about what we were suppose to do. I should improve on that.
The other one is participation. I'm a satisfactory because I participated but sometimes, I'm tired or sad about some things so I didn't participate and that is a bad thing about me. So got to push that up to a perfect!
The next one is organisation. I am super neat according to Nadia, but I would give myself a satisfactory because I am very neat in my locker, and stuff. But not homework. I tend to do my fun stuff like watching shows, facebooking (if that is even a word) and tweeting. So, to improve on that, make a time table XD
The last one is effort. I would give myself middle of satisfactory and I would always go above and beyond what is required. The reason why I gave myself a middlish is that because i sometimes daze off and wander around. But I always try to stay focus and put in all the effort I have to the work I have to do.
My goal for next year is to be much more organised and do what i have to do. My second goal for next year is to push up my participation and get to whatever things that is offered to me.
One of the advises that I wanted to tell you guys is to not stress out and just have some fun! Nothing is better than having fun. I know that the first week of school is always very bad. Can't open lockers or get to class on time. But after a while, you would get use to it and you might even do or go with your eyes closed XD

April 8, 2011

I'm sorry Mom, Dad and the citizens of Wherton

Since I reached the White Mountain, I decided to write a letter to Mom, Dad, and all the other people in Wherton to let them know that I am safe. I took out a piece of paper and a pen and started writing.
Dear Mom, Dad and the citizens of Wherton,
I am so sorry that I left you and everyone else. The reason I left Wherton is that, well, there are tons of reason. First, I met a guy named Ozymandias. He told me about a place called the White Mountain where freedom still last. Ozymandias also told me the plan and the way to go to the White Mountain. At first, I didn't want to go. Not leaving Mom and Dad. But after a second thought, I decided to go to the White Mountain to search for freedom. Because I know that Mom, Dad, and the rest of the people will lock me in my room and try many different ways to stop me from going to the White Mountain because you want me to become mature and forget about the childhood memories. But, isn't freedom important much more important than being mature? People change when they need to. You can't force them Mom, Dad. It is not what I want. That is the reason why I left you guys. Sorry Mom, Dad. I'll tell you what happened along the journey.
First, I met Ozymandias who told me everything about the White Mountains. He gave me a map to the White Mountain. He told me the plan. And this is the plan. One week after he leave, then I leave. So actually in that one week, I was stealing food from you at night. Then, on that very night that I leave, Henry came following behind me. He told me that he wants to go with me and he was kind of scared to get Caped. Even though we fought a lot in the past years, I let him follow me. We then took a boat trip that Ozymandias arranged and met Zhanpole which we call him Beanpole. He is kind. So don't worry. Even though we steal food along the journey, we didn't get caught.
Next, we reached to the city of the ancient and stole a few handfuls of "eggs" those eggs are like granite. Because you have to pull the ring out and then throw it. Then, we went to the Red Castle to rest. And there, I found my first love. Eloise. She is a pretty girl but she has to go to the Tripods city to work for them forever. To overcome this situation of leaving Eloise, I decided to carry on. But along the way, a Tripod picked me up and just like Jack said, I don't remember anything. Along the journey, we saw lots of Tripods in front of us. Like it stops and then when we past it, it comes out again like it knows where we are. After a while, when we stopped to rest, Beanpole noticed something underneath my torn sleeve. I felt it and felt not my skin but a smooth hard surface. Everything is clear now, I had been guiding the Tripods to us all the time. We tried to think of a plan but it will never work. So, in the end, Beanpole cut the metal off. It hurts but I think that it is worth it. I thought that we can now leave for the White Mountain safely. But I was proved wrong.
More Tripods came. We ran away with all our might holding an egg. One Tripod got me. I struggled but I couldn't get out. So, I threw the egg with all my might to the hole in the Tripod. After seconds, the grip of the Tripod started to loosen. And the next thing I know is that I fell down onto the ground with Beanpole and Henry helping me up. We ran away to the river so that they can't sense us. They searched for us all day long. Even at night. But thanks to Beanpole, we hid near a rock. For a few days or even weeks! One day, we didn't see the Tripods anymore so we came out. We carried on our journey and reached to the White Mountains. But one shocking thing is that, we saw two Tripods together, we hid but it didn't see us. It's like it's mating!
That's the journey that I wanted to tell you. Now, I'm a free men and I won't be Capped. I know what is love and I know what freedom is all about. Mom, Dad, don't worry about me anymore. You might be angry of how I am a cowardly when I ran away but after reading this letter, do you understand why I left? Thank you for understanding me. I miss you Mom, Dad.

March 29, 2011

Hope that this is the last one?

"The bitter thing was all the spirit, all the gallantry, was wasted. For even more than inferiors, they accepted and looked forward to being Capped. It was a part of becoming a knight, or of turning from a girl to lady. Thinking of this, I saw how good things could be meaningless in isolation. What value did courage have, without a free and challenging mind to direct it?"
How does this relates to the word freedom? Now that is what I call hard. I think that how this is related to freedom is that they needed a free mind to think of weather to run to the white mountains or get capped. And for this quote, it tells you that Will is struggling to follow which path. The path where the people in the Red Castle follows which is being capped, or follow Ozymandias and go to the White Mountain where freedom is awaiting for him. All Will needs now is a free mind to direct which path he is suppose to follow and so that he would be happy for the rest of his life. But if you read the book, he is stuck with love when he should do something else and continue the journey to the White mountains. Eloise is the reason why Will stayed at the Red Castle and left Beanpole and Henry on their way to the White mountain. I think that one of the reason that this is related to the word freedom is because Will needs a free mind to make up weather or not to leave Eloise or to stay with her.
The second reason why I think that this is related to the word freedom is that the nobles in the quote above are all capped and all mature and stuff so is Jack, Will's best friend, and Eloise. All of them explained how being Capped is good for you because you are all mature and then you can be a real adult. But! You would lose all of your childhood memories. I wouldn't really say you lose all of them but you don't have any feeling of how you felt about all those good, happy memories. Freedom is the path I would take if I was Will. Because do you want to not have feelings to all those good, precious memories that you have for childhood and those memories is all that are funny and you want to remember your friends right? All those sad memories, happy ones, confused ones, the feeling for your first crush and all those kind of stuff. So this relates to freedom because all you need is freedom and what you want or what you need. It is what decision you make. To listen to your parents, or what your heart desires.

March 16, 2011

Will... Again...

As always, there is something behind this that made us (me and my friends) do all this. It really took us a long time but we don't mind right? It's still the start of torture!
1. How were the Tripods able to control the people?
The Tripods were able to control the people by capping them. BUT, there is more than just answering this question. I think that the Tripods washed away all the memories they have in childhood when they placed the "cap" on their heads as what Ozymandias told Will in the second chapter. That is a very long paragraph to tell you about what Ozymandias told Will, so I am going to skip that. Another thing is that I think that maybe the Tripods was men, (obviously) and those men wanted to rule the world, so they made the Tripods and from there, they would rule the world by giving those who are capped instructions that they have to follow. But those men are smart enough to do some device thing in the Tripods so that the Tripods don't go to the White Mountain where the men lives in. And I can link that to why there are free men on the White Mountain and why the Tripods don't go there at all to cap people.
2. Find evidence (quotations from the novel) to show that even though Will is comfortable living at the castle, he is frustrated that the Comte, Comtesse, and Eloise have been capped. One evidence that Will is comfortable living at the castle is that he was settled there and there was Eloise to accompany him and he actually didn't want to leave her like in this quote '"They chose well. I'm glad Eloise." She said, "I wanted to say good-bye. Will." "It won't be for long. A few days. Then, when I am Capped..." She shook her head. "I shall not see you again. Did you know ?" "But I am staying here. Your father said so, this morning." "You will stay, but not I. Did no one tell you?" "Tell me what?" "When the tournament is over, the Queen goes to serve the Tripods. It is always done." I said stupidly, "Serve them where?" "In their city." "BUt for how long?" "I have told you. Forever." Her words shocked me, but the look on her face was more shocking still. It was a kind of rapt devotion, the expression of someone who hugs in secret her heart's desire. Dazed, I asked her, "Your parents know this?"' found on page 135. This quote shows that Will is frustrated that the Comte, Comtesse and Eloise are going to be Capped and serve the Tripods in their city. I think, personally, that Will likes Eloise because he was shocked by her words and along the journey to the white mountains, he thought about her and how she appears in his mind. So, Will, is actually more frustrated when Eloise is going to be Capped than the Comte, and the Comtesse.
3. Find evidence (quotes) to show how Will feels about being capped

March 7, 2011

Who are you like? Well, I'm like Will in the White mountains...

Who are you like? Well, I'm like Will in 'The White Mountains" by John Christopher. You might not know this book... Like most of you reading this blogpost. So what I decided to do is tell you the summary of this book before I start. Here is the summary.
Long ago, the Tripods-huge, three-legged machines- descended upon Earth and took control. Now people unquestioningly accept the Tripods' power. They have no control over their thoughts or their lives. But for a brief time in each person's life - in childhood - he is not a slave. For Will, his time of freedom is about to end - unless he can escape to the White Mountains, where is possibility of freedom still exists.
So now that you now more about this book, like at least have the summary, you guys are prepared for my blogpost! :D This time, I have to write about how Will is like me. Let's talk about his personality first. I think that Will is a open kind of character, and a little bit cowardly sometimes like in the beginning of the book.
Starting of with open. Why I think that he is open is because I've read the story book to chapter 5. So I should know by now how he acts. I sort of start to think that he is open when Ozymandias, a unknown person, came up to him and start talking. At first Will didn't like it but as days goes by, he started to realize that maybe Ozymandias is starting to get useful and that is how i think that I'm like him. Because sometimes, I wanted to make friends. So I talk to them but then I realized that they aren't going to be much help so I left them. But after a while, I started to think that maybe they are good after all. So I started to hang out with them and got information about things that I don't know.
Another reason why I know that Will is like me is because he is a little bit cowardly sometimes like in the beginning of the book, when he met Ozymandias, I realized that he was actually a cowardly boy. For example, he is scared about Harry at first because Harry was like a bully and all those kind of stuff and another example is that he was afraid of the Tripods. He was afraid of what happens after he gets capped like you know, after you get capped, you will have to follow what the Tripods want you to do, the Tripods taking over your body and you won't have freedom. But after meeting Ozymandias and listening to what Ozymandias wants to say, he starts to think of new problems like should I trust him? Is it really a place where Tripods don't go? Or even if I go, can I get through this task safely. So I am like him because I think of problems like that too for lots of things. But I always make it through safely. So I am voting that Will will get through this dangerous task safely just like me. :D

February 11, 2011

WHAT!??! YOUR PHARAOH IS KING TUT?! Well mine is way cooler than your's mine is Senusret I

Recently, my class studied a specific Pharaoh from Ancient Egypt (because it is all about Egypt for this trimester I hope...) with a partner. So I picked Li-Yen to work with me on Senusret 1. We just finished our project recently and I think that we did a pretty good job and if you want to see our project, here's our project:
Did you like it? Well I hope you did. Well because this is a blogpost for school, I would of course need to answer some questions. So I'm goin gto answer the questions now and stop the chit chatting. Okay? Right. Here are the questions.
1. Why do you think Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs created monuments?
2. What monuments in our society are similar? (be sure to provide explanations and graphics).
3. How did the using google docs as the main portal for collaboration help you with this assignment?
4. What did you learn from this assignment?
5. What was challenging?
6. Which schoolwide learning results were evident in this assignment? So for question number 1, Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs created monuments because I think that they wanted the people in the future to remember them and so that they can be famous until the world ended. They might think of having everything they wanted and didn't think of the others. They wanted every single person that lives on earth to know that he once ruled Egypt and that is what I think Pharaohs build monuments for. Just to jot down what they did. Next question of number 2 is What monuments in our society are similar? (be sure to provide explanations and graphics). I would chose the Twin Towers from Malaysia build by a Japanese consortium led by the Hazama Corporation. Here is a picture of the twin towers. The reason why I chose the twin towers is because it is standing for a long time representing KL, Malaysia and people from near places can take a visit here and look at the bridge that connects both of the towers and also, we are in KL so it is actually very lucky for us to have an example of a monument right under our noses! The other monuments that I would like to share is the Taipei 101 by C.Y. Lee and Partners, a Taiwanese architectural firm that was also responsible for Kaohsiung's Tuntex Sky Tower. Here is just a picture of it. The reason why I chose this specific monument is because it has two things that is recorded in the world record book. First, it is one of the tallest building (as you can see) and the second one is that it has the fastest elevator in the world! And so i think that it is a great example for a monument because it is like a combination of two world records.
Okay, next question is How did the using google docs as the main portal for collaboration help you with this assignment? Well basically, I think that using Google Docs as the main portal is good for collaboration because that way, you can just have a bunch of people writing on the document so that other people can see what you've written and can add suggestions or work on the document instead of carrying a thumdrive every where you are and then take turns to work on the project. So for me, personally. I think that using Google Doc is much more easier than Microsoft Word.
Time for the 4th question, What did you learn from this assignment? After all th ehard work, we ended up learning more about the Pharaoh that we studied. For me, I learned that there was not only Cleopatra and King Tut that was famous. There were Senusret I, Hapsetsut (however you spell it), and Ramsus II I also learned that it was Senusret I that build the White Chapel and the White Chapel really exist. There were a lot of things that we learned from our Pharaoh project. So much that even my head would burst! But these that i've listed is only 1 tenth of the information that we learn...
Finally, for the fifth question.What was challenging? Seriously Mrs. Narsiman... What was challenging... OF COURSE EVERYTHING WAS CHALLENGING!!! No i'm just kidding... Here's the truth. The recording was challenging, the script writing was challenging, the picture hunt was challenging, the information was challenging... BUT the most challenging of them all was... the picture hunt. Yes it's the picture hunt... You don't know how long it took me to find 10 pictures! Almost 30min I tell ya'! 30 MINS! Can you believe that? It took me 30 mins just to take the perfect picture. But if you're in Spoken Word... You'll be long dead. But we are not talking about Spoken Word. So it took me at least 3 days to at least find the pictures and easybib it. Well that's about it. Time for the last question... OMG! When will this end?!??!
Okay... Last but not least, it's the... last question of the (two) day... Which schoolwide learning results were evident in this assignment? I would really think that it is... Collaborate Constructively because without collaborating, the project will be a DISASTER!!! And without collaborating, we wouldn't even know when to start, work, find information, who do what blah blah blah blah. So I think that Collaborating Constructively really help to make this project successful.

January 26, 2011

Hey! This is my country...

Recently in class, all of my classmates did a small presentation about a country that we call home. And I did Singapore as I know more things in Singapore and didn't know that much about Malaysia. In my presentation, I think that I didn't really do well because I didn't have that much information as the others and my pictures weren't really related to the things that I've said. But what I think that is better is how I explained how the riots started in Singapore like the Maria Hertogh riot and the Hock Lee Bus riot. I would try to make it fun to listen to because when I present the presentation people weren't really listening and they might think that "Is she crazy or something?" because I was laughing at my presentation because chickens from Brazil, vegetables from Vietnam and Indonesia, frozen ducks from Taiwan and seafood from Namibia? Won't that make people laugh? Yes... They did "laugh out loud" and started discussing about it and something else. And no matter how many times I called them, they looked like that they didn't want to listen to my presentation anymore so I think that my presentation isn't that catchy. So I have to make it more catchy next time...
And not only my presentation is not catchy, it is also lacking of information compared to others because i have only four information on two slides for one topic when the others have like 5 in one slide? That is ridiculous! "2 pieces of information" vs. "5 pieces of information". Of course the "5 pieces of information" wins right? And moreover, they had very detailed information and I have like nothing! So of course I have to learn to get more interesting information and pictures to catch my audience's attention.
Well to end this blog post, I'll have to say that I did a pretty good job as I did my best and got an "A" for my grade. I think that it's also a good presentation because I didn't put all of the information on the screen and had some information in my head and that is something that I realized that no one did it. Except for Gabriel. He wrote what he wanted to say on a post it note on the laptop? It's something like that. And some people actually summarized what they wrote! So I think the way I presented it isn't that bad after all! :D
Want to see my presentation? Here is the web site! :

January 10, 2011

Welcome 2011!!!!!!! :D

Happy New Year everyone!!! Of course, you would have to write your new year resolutions right? Urgh... Writing on the first day of school... But still have to write! It's humanities alright! Here are my resolutions! :D

My First resolution is to study hard (do lots of assessments just to get caught up in Singapore school D:). The reason why I have this resolution is because I feel like I didn't learn what Singapore has taught the other kids in primary schools and moreover, I have to go back to Singapore one day to continue studies there which is kind of hard... SO STRESSFUL!!! Studies there in Singapore is somehow like torture! Teachers spam you with tons of homework that you can't finish in one day (when the homework is due on the next day ). Oh I know this is somehow a boring resolution... But it's time for the next resolution! My Second resolution is to be crazy and active and helpful! The reason why I made this resolution is because this is the only fun way to make friends so that we can know each other better and make ISKL a much more fun place to study in. Because I realized that everyone becomes very bored after vacations like they don't want to go to school or even thinking "Why does school even exist?" So being crazy, active and helpful can cheer people up and think that this is the place where you enter to another world and think "I love School! I hope that school hours can be longer!" Well, that's what I hope...

That's about my New Year resolution. What about your's well you can tell me your New Year resolutions by commenting on this blog post! :D Can't wait to see what are your New Year resolutions!!! Well, enough about New Year resolutions. I know that you would want to know how I spend my holidays in four different places. This is what happened...

First, I went to Singapore. And there I visited Auntie Tabby's new house which it is almost done that looks like this:

 Which is almost done. Wish her good luck with her new home! But no offense, it's kind of small and I can't imagine how she can transform her small house into something that you might think that the house is spacious! But not only did we go to Auntie Tabby's house, we went also to IKEA with Auntie Amelia with her daughter and Auntie Tabby too. We didn't do much in IKEA though. We just ate lunch there and didn't buy anything else. I don't think that I can remember all the things that I did in Singapore because I went there on the 21st of December and return on the 25th of December.

Next, we went to Genting Highlands. The weather there was okay just a bit cold and stand able. We played in the outside theme park and went for a few rides because the other rides were scary like the spider one.

 This one. Do you remember? I don't know the name of this ride but it looks kind of scary. And there is another one too!

This too! Because this is about 10 stories high ( I guess )! And I am sort of afraid of heights so I didn't ride on this one... But the most fun ride that I went was kind of  "what is this?" or "Dude seriously?!!?!?"

Yes. It's the tea cup alright... This is the most fun ride in Genting I tell ya'! Because my brother, my sister and I spun like mad cows until we thought that the cup was tilting and we also thought that it was over and we are like the only ones still spinning like we are unstoppable! But that is just the second place that my family went to... There is still more!

The third place that we went was A'Famosa. There, all of my mom's relatives came all the way from Singapore to A'Famosa to celebrate New Year. On the first day, we get to know the place better and then ride on horses!

Here is a map of A'Famosa. Here you can see how big it is and how we sometimes got lost.

And here is the horse ride Which you only get to ride on it for three small rounds. How I wish that I can have my own horse and I can ride on it everyday into the forest... Ah! How I wish... Whao! Sorry! Kept you left out there so that's all we did on the first day. On the second day, we went to the animal world then the water world. In the Animal World, what I like most is the animal show.

Here in this show, we can see all the different abilities that animal can do that we don't expect that they could do. After an amazing, incredible show from the animals, we headed to the Water World to relax ourselves!
 We first headed to the tsunami pool which is very cold for the first time going under water after such a long time on land. After getting use to the temperature of the water, I swam to the deep end of the pool with my brother, sister and cousin and hung around there for a minuet or so then we have to leave and head to the lazy river. We ( my uncle, aunt, cousins and siblings ) took two two-seater float and raced to the destination on where we are heading and my team won! But we earned nothing in return... But we still went on the family ride which is AWESOME!!!! I went on the ride for two times before it's time to head to the other ride. This ride however, can be played by a single player or a doubled player. It's fun but the tunnel slide ( the dark version of this ride )  wasn't working so didn't get to ride on it. Sad... D: But we had fun in the Water World. Until it's time to head back to the house.

At night, all of us went to the Cowboy Town and watched the Red Indian Show.
Usually you will feel cold at night right? But when you watch the Red Indian Show, you will feel like you're in boiling hot water because the Red Indian "blows" fire out of his mouth which he sometimes will be very close to you. Geez... I wonder how thy do that!

After the spectacular performance is over, we got to watch an amazing firework display that the managements arranged. Then, we headed back to our house and did a little celebration for welcoming 2011. We played cards, we played with the fire cracker, we play lots of other stuff too! We also did countdowns. 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! We tossed each other with our drink and wished everyone happy new year and that is the BEST memory I've ever had.

I'm going to stop here because if I continue, it will go on forever!!! And you don't want that to happen don't you? So this is my New Year resolutions and how I celebrated New Year and my holiday. Actually, there is only one more place to tell you but I think I heard some people screaming "Nooooooo!!!!!" or "Oh God! This will take forever!!!!" in your hearts right? See! I just know you all too well. Alright folks! If you want to know more about my adventure, stay tuned! Oh! And...
