January 26, 2011

Hey! This is my country...

Recently in class, all of my classmates did a small presentation about a country that we call home. And I did Singapore as I know more things in Singapore and didn't know that much about Malaysia. In my presentation, I think that I didn't really do well because I didn't have that much information as the others and my pictures weren't really related to the things that I've said. But what I think that is better is how I explained how the riots started in Singapore like the Maria Hertogh riot and the Hock Lee Bus riot. I would try to make it fun to listen to because when I present the presentation people weren't really listening and they might think that "Is she crazy or something?" because I was laughing at my presentation because chickens from Brazil, vegetables from Vietnam and Indonesia, frozen ducks from Taiwan and seafood from Namibia? Won't that make people laugh? Yes... They did "laugh out loud" and started discussing about it and something else. And no matter how many times I called them, they looked like that they didn't want to listen to my presentation anymore so I think that my presentation isn't that catchy. So I have to make it more catchy next time...
And not only my presentation is not catchy, it is also lacking of information compared to others because i have only four information on two slides for one topic when the others have like 5 in one slide? That is ridiculous! "2 pieces of information" vs. "5 pieces of information". Of course the "5 pieces of information" wins right? And moreover, they had very detailed information and I have like nothing! So of course I have to learn to get more interesting information and pictures to catch my audience's attention.
Well to end this blog post, I'll have to say that I did a pretty good job as I did my best and got an "A" for my grade. I think that it's also a good presentation because I didn't put all of the information on the screen and had some information in my head and that is something that I realized that no one did it. Except for Gabriel. He wrote what he wanted to say on a post it note on the laptop? It's something like that. And some people actually summarized what they wrote! So I think the way I presented it isn't that bad after all! :D
Want to see my presentation? Here is the web site! : https://docs.google.com/a/iskl.edu.my/present/edit?id=0AZ9WF8PQ8kHXZGhxNHFxZ3dfMTAyY2JrZm5jNXY&hl=en_GB

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