March 7, 2011

Who are you like? Well, I'm like Will in the White mountains...

Who are you like? Well, I'm like Will in 'The White Mountains" by John Christopher. You might not know this book... Like most of you reading this blogpost. So what I decided to do is tell you the summary of this book before I start. Here is the summary.
Long ago, the Tripods-huge, three-legged machines- descended upon Earth and took control. Now people unquestioningly accept the Tripods' power. They have no control over their thoughts or their lives. But for a brief time in each person's life - in childhood - he is not a slave. For Will, his time of freedom is about to end - unless he can escape to the White Mountains, where is possibility of freedom still exists.
So now that you now more about this book, like at least have the summary, you guys are prepared for my blogpost! :D This time, I have to write about how Will is like me. Let's talk about his personality first. I think that Will is a open kind of character, and a little bit cowardly sometimes like in the beginning of the book.
Starting of with open. Why I think that he is open is because I've read the story book to chapter 5. So I should know by now how he acts. I sort of start to think that he is open when Ozymandias, a unknown person, came up to him and start talking. At first Will didn't like it but as days goes by, he started to realize that maybe Ozymandias is starting to get useful and that is how i think that I'm like him. Because sometimes, I wanted to make friends. So I talk to them but then I realized that they aren't going to be much help so I left them. But after a while, I started to think that maybe they are good after all. So I started to hang out with them and got information about things that I don't know.
Another reason why I know that Will is like me is because he is a little bit cowardly sometimes like in the beginning of the book, when he met Ozymandias, I realized that he was actually a cowardly boy. For example, he is scared about Harry at first because Harry was like a bully and all those kind of stuff and another example is that he was afraid of the Tripods. He was afraid of what happens after he gets capped like you know, after you get capped, you will have to follow what the Tripods want you to do, the Tripods taking over your body and you won't have freedom. But after meeting Ozymandias and listening to what Ozymandias wants to say, he starts to think of new problems like should I trust him? Is it really a place where Tripods don't go? Or even if I go, can I get through this task safely. So I am like him because I think of problems like that too for lots of things. But I always make it through safely. So I am voting that Will will get through this dangerous task safely just like me. :D

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