Here is a quick preview of my Zeitgeist.
Do you know about how cool our school s already?!?!?!?!?!??!!?!? What are you waiting for? Come and join the fun!
December 17, 2010
December 2, 2010
Which side are you on? The Left side or The Right side?
"Oh my! How do you know so much about me?!"
"Because this blogpost of yours says so!"
"Oh... But I didn't write that..."
"Are you kidding me? Of course you did! Read it!"
Dear teachers... and friends... and not forgetting you guys... yeah you guys reading this blogpost,
Hey there! Yeah you. Reading this post. Do you want to know my profile? Well, if you want, here is is! Enjoy! :P
My profile is 'Obviously Odd'! (profile OO) Why is it 'Obviously Odd' you ask? Because... I have a dominate left eye, right ear, left hand and lastly, right foot. I KNOW! That's why I call it Obviously Odd. :) Okay, no more chit chatting and get back to the subject.
"Because this blogpost of yours says so!"
"Oh... But I didn't write that..."
"Are you kidding me? Of course you did! Read it!"
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Dear teachers... and friends... and not forgetting you guys... yeah you guys reading this blogpost,
Hey there! Yeah you. Reading this post. Do you want to know my profile? Well, if you want, here is is! Enjoy! :P
My profile is 'Obviously Odd'! (profile OO) Why is it 'Obviously Odd' you ask? Because... I have a dominate left eye, right ear, left hand and lastly, right foot. I KNOW! That's why I call it Obviously Odd. :) Okay, no more chit chatting and get back to the subject.
If you want to know more about me, here is my profile. I'm gestalt. And I'm profile OO.
- Functional : Visual, and Kinesthetic Communication.
- Limited Under Stress: Auditory, and Movement.
I learn best through movement and by focusing on the whole picture, and is context and emotional relevance to myself. As a visual and kinesthetic learner, I must see the whole picture and physically do what is being learned. I appreciate metaphors, examples and associations when problem solving. I visually grasp the main idea but my have great difficulty seeing and communicating the details in a linear way. So please help me with that! :)
And this is something for Mrs. Narsiman. My left eye scans from right to left and it is possible that I may have difficulty reading or writing languages that move from left to right like ENGLISH!!! And I may reverse or transpose letters or numbers...
Mrs. Smith, maybe the next sentence is for you... I prefer not to follow step-by-step visual instructions and tends to start by imagining the end results and then intuitively doing what seem appropriate. So, I sometimes will get irritated if I have to show workings.
MR. SMITH! This next one is for you! :P I may have difficulty with penmanship because the eye and hand don't work together and my movements tend to be uncontrolled and fluid when relaxed.
When I'm under stress, I may move forward with caution feeling clumsy and stuck. My biggest challenge will be to access the pieces of information, and be able to put them together in a linear logical manner and communicate it. So, please help me with that... :)
For me and the people who are profile OO, we need encouragement and good modeling of how to work with and communicate the details and linear aspects of life and learning.
To teachers out there, it will benefit me from sitting close to the front on the left hand side which I can move without disturbing other classmates.
Activities like reading out loud, Thinking Caps from Brain Gym, megaphones, toning the vowels and hand-eye coordination play like Lazy 8's for writing, double doodles, and integrated cross-lateral foot play like crawl, walking, soccer, dancing and martial arts like Tai Chi may help me A LOT! For some of the activities, i don't really know so maybe teachers or friends can help me out?
Another thing that helps me is an integrative balance of art, music, movement and interpersonal skills combined with cognitive endeavors in linguistics and mathematics will be very useful.
Now that you know about me, I want to know about your profile... What is your profile?
Signing off! :P
HEY WAIT! I wanna show you a picture of me! ( and my profile picture! :P)
Here it is! Okay... this is the real one...
Signing Off! :P
"Oh... That's how you know about me..."
"Yep. And did you write this?"
"Yes but, not sure about the picture..."
"Heheheee... Let me tell you a secret... You wrote all of this information including the pictures... What about all of you out there? What is your information and picture?"
Signing Off! :D :)
Signing Off! :P
"Oh... That's how you know about me..."
"Yep. And did you write this?"
"Yes but, not sure about the picture..."
"Heheheee... Let me tell you a secret... You wrote all of this information including the pictures... What about all of you out there? What is your information and picture?"
Signing Off! :D :)
November 18, 2010
The benefit of a LIT. CIRCLE!!!! :P
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A partner was given to everyone in class to help us with our Lit. Circle. My partner was Khairi and together, we are reading ' True Confession Of Charlotte Doyle' and we've been through difficulties that helped us to complete the Lit Circle. There are still times when we go through troubles too.
"Lit Circle with a twist"... What's the benefits of working with a partner you say? Well, the benefits... there are tons of benefits! The first benefit is that you can less do work! No... just kidding... it's the help that you can get from your friend / partner. The help that you get can help you to learn what are the mistakes that you've made. Not just vocabulary but also how you write the sentence in a proper way. The second benefit is that you get to use one of the SLR to finish this Lit Circle (with a twist). Which is Collaborate Constructively. Just by collaborating constructively, you can work with your partner and make the Lit circle a successful Lit Circle.But of course, we have conflicts that we would have to overcome.
Maybe some other groups doesn't have any problems but you can't be sure about that. But from what I know, is that we had a few problems. First, we didn't know what partners we've gotten within me and Khairi because Kamilla and Sol didn't tell us. That is one problem. But after a few discussions, we've got set with Kamilla with Sol and me with Khairi but here is another problem. We have only the afternoon and night time to finish this Lit Circle when there are tons to do. So we started solving it by pushing all the tuition homework and the other homework aside first and start to work on the Lit Circle until late at night. :( But it's all in the past now! It's all gone! Now, we just have to think of the future. :P
By working with your partners, you gained new understandings about the novel like example, the partner that you work with see something that you don't actually see. They see the event as a useful way instead of a useless way that you see. Because you worked with a partner, you can widen your knowledge of the book that you are reading and you can also understand the book better.
So, I think you get a rough idea of what is the benefit of working with a partner right? Well, hope you did. See you in the next blogpost! :P
November 5, 2010
True Confession Of Charlotte Doyle
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'True Confession of Charlotte Doyle'
Some of you out there might know or had read 'True Confession Of Charlotte Doyle'. But some of you don't. So to let the people, who doesn't know the book, know what I am going to talk about in the next few paragraph. I shall give yo a short summary about this interesting mystery book written by Avi. "Not every thirteen-year-old girl is accused of murder, brought to trial and found guilty. But I was just such a girl, and my story is worth relating even if it did happen years ago. Be warned, however: If strong ideas action offend you, read no more. Find another companion to share you idle hours. For my part I intend to tell the truth as I lived it."
Today is the day when every group, every group member, has to share their literature circle to the other group members. So I came prepared to humanities class ready for the 'test'. I brought all my supplies to humanities and not to forget my hard literature book, "True confession of Charlotte Doyle". After some boring introduction to what we are going to do in humanities that day, we are finally set free to go to our group. When listening to Sol's homework read by her wonderful voice, I realized that actually the discussion is helping me understand the novel better because the other group members see what I don't see. Like for example, one of my close friend is also reading the same book and she thinks that the passage about one of the ship crew advising Charlotte to leave the ship is important which I think it's just a sign of something bad. The idea of us having discussions are actually helping us to understand the novel well than just reading it by yourself and understand it yourself. Sharing your ideas with the other group members helps the other group members to widen their understanding of the book.
If some of you out there don't know what a connection is, here is a short summary of what a connection is. You make a connection by choosing part of the story scene and make a connection to your real life. For example, you choose the part when Mary is writing a story and maybe the connection that you will make is that you've written thousands of excellent essay that you think that you can publish. That is a connection.
Maybe sometimes, we didn't make detailed connections with the real world, but we make good connections in real life. Connections are made as that we can understand people's life even more. Connections are used so that it can help you remember events that you have forgotten a long time ago. But today in class, we did something different. Instead of just reading the connections that you've written, Kamilla made a connection to a passage that Sol thinks that is important. For me, I've make connections along the way in my mind because I didn't think that it will fit into the discussion because I was thinking about wild ideas but not the idea that will fit into the discussion. I don't think that it is good to not say it after I remember because maybe it's the idea that will widen our understanding to the book.
The time has gone pass quickly and humanity class has ended. Although we didn't really understand the book that well with the other group members, but it has been a great literature discussion. And we did understand the book better. 'True Confession of Charlotte Doyle' is a great book. Don't forget to read it!
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October 28, 2010
You just have to believe that you can do it
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"Even though Papua New Guinea is located in the same region as Australia and New Zealand, why is it that Australia and New Zealand became technologically advanced and wealthy?"
This question runs through my mind when I think about wealth. Fortunately, I recently watched a "movie" on Gun, Germs and Steel. The "movie" explains how the people in the pass lived. And they also show that if you look around the world, you can find that only one place called New Guinea, does not have technology. They live in the forest and build shelter from tree trunks just like the Homo Sapiens Sapiens (Early Humans).
What I think is that Australia and New Zealand used what they learned from the Neolithic Age people how to build houses out of brick and concrete. With their imagination combined, they could build lots of different types of buildings and structures. And that made Australia and New Zealand wealthier than New Guinea because New Guinea didn't combine their ideas to make buildings and structures. But everything that they did is the exact same thing of what the Paleolithic Age and Neolithic Age did. Such as farming.
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Technology is all around you. You can find technology every step you take. But in New Guinea, every step you take, you see trees. No technology at all. Not even a spark of electricity is found in New Guinea. All day long, they work and rest, work and rest. While here, we type, play, watch, read, write, learn, eat and many more. Just because of technology, we are actually enjoying our life by doing all sorts of things with technology like for example, we use the computer to do homework or go on Facebook. The answer to my question has actually now revealed.
Don't forget! The question was "Even though Papua New Guinea is located in the same region as Australia and New Zealand, why is it that Australia and New Zealand became technologically advanced and wealthy?" can you answer it? This is the answer that I want to tell the people of New Guinea. "Don't be jealous of what other country have because you are the unique country that nobody have and that unique thing is that with what you are doing right now, at this moment, you remind us that we once lived in the forest and hunt for food, build shelter and make spears for living. You even remind us how much we've grown. If you try, you can make it to be a wealthy country or even much more wealthier than Europe! So, don't be jealous of what other people have. You just have to believe that you can do it. Only then you can achieve the goal that you want."
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October 16, 2010
Let's Just Pretend that I'm a Mud Skipper...
Here is a mud skipper! :P
Err... Not that... That's a "fish" which doesn't look like a fish. This
Is the real mud skipper.
Have you ever feel like thinking what does a mud skipper do or think? Do you even understand how we feel about other creature in this lonely world? Well, if it is a yes, you are lucky enough to have me to write a story about the day I had experienced the worse but not that worse day ever with my cameramen, Makemedo What, and the most annoying mud skipper I have ever seen, my team-mate, Perfectisme.
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Found from http://threestarowl,com/wp-content/upload/2008/11/mudskwb.jpg |
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From: |
Have you ever feel like thinking what does a mud skipper do or think? Do you even understand how we feel about other creature in this lonely world? Well, if it is a yes, you are lucky enough to have me to write a story about the day I had experienced the worse but not that worse day ever with my cameramen, Makemedo What, and the most annoying mud skipper I have ever seen, my team-mate, Perfectisme.
"Hey guys, this is Lamooyum, the most famous and amazing reporter here. I would like to report to you guys that there is some unknown creature that has been ruling over the world these days known as humans are attacking our Muddy COUNTRY! Even through their hair is different, like the color, they are still wearing the famous Puah Chu Kang's shoe (a famous actor in Singapore) ! And they are walking very slowly across the paddy field. Some of them are trapped in our traps that we made in some places. But unfortunately, most of them just ran away like an airplane! Oh no! They are coming! Closer and closer... AHHHHHHHH!!!"
*Puack* *Puack* *Puack*
"Are you there? We still have the news to report Lamooyum!" Makemedo What asked.
"Help meee..." a faint voice asked. Makemedo What found Lamooyum and pulled him out.
"Okay, lucky that I'm the fastest run-away in this world, and that makes me still not dead... So let's continue this news. These humans are destroying our weather forecast station by planting the trees on top of it. So there will be no more weather news for US!!! And also, they are actually helping us to plant the trees which is NOT a good thing because then there will be lesser space for us live in!" I continued.
"Oh no... He's ruining everything again! Here let me do it." Perfectisme said and pushed me aside and started his speech. "Actually, they are helping us to have more food to eat, and shelter, and air, and many more. So I think that we have to be grateful to them-"
"What are you talking about?!?!" I interrupted "They are no good... AHHHH!!!" Everyone, including me, screamed like mad cows as we run into different directions and hide in a root of a tree after we saw a young boy with spiky hair, which the people on the rock called him Gerald, went straight into the biggest trap that we stand on just now.
"Thiss... iss Per... Perfect... Perfectismeee speakinggg... The best way to nnoot get killed is to hide unnnderr the tree and stay there until you don't hear anything at all... This is Pertectisme speaking and you are watching "Emergency M.I.High." Perfectisme said in a timid voice to the camera.
After 1 hour and 30 minutes, everyone in the Muddy County scattered around the country to see what had happened. All they saw was millions of hole dug through the mud, and a few small trees planted on the mud around the weather forecast station. Everyone just stand there still paralyzed with great fear in their heart. Perfectisme and I dared ourselves to walk up to the nearest hole and snuggle inside. It felt warm and welcoming. So we just rest there looking at the sun while everyone followed what we did.
"This is the most dreadful experience I have ever had." Perfectisme and I murmured as we closed our eyes and let the "interesting" day end.
"Are you there? We still have the news to report Lamooyum!" Makemedo What asked.
"Help meee..." a faint voice asked. Makemedo What found Lamooyum and pulled him out.
"Okay, lucky that I'm the fastest run-away in this world, and that makes me still not dead... So let's continue this news. These humans are destroying our weather forecast station by planting the trees on top of it. So there will be no more weather news for US!!! And also, they are actually helping us to plant the trees which is NOT a good thing because then there will be lesser space for us live in!" I continued.
"Oh no... He's ruining everything again! Here let me do it." Perfectisme said and pushed me aside and started his speech. "Actually, they are helping us to have more food to eat, and shelter, and air, and many more. So I think that we have to be grateful to them-"
"What are you talking about?!?!" I interrupted "They are no good... AHHHH!!!" Everyone, including me, screamed like mad cows as we run into different directions and hide in a root of a tree after we saw a young boy with spiky hair, which the people on the rock called him Gerald, went straight into the biggest trap that we stand on just now.
"Thiss... iss Per... Perfect... Perfectismeee speakinggg... The best way to nnoot get killed is to hide unnnderr the tree and stay there until you don't hear anything at all... This is Pertectisme speaking and you are watching "Emergency M.I.High." Perfectisme said in a timid voice to the camera.
After 1 hour and 30 minutes, everyone in the Muddy County scattered around the country to see what had happened. All they saw was millions of hole dug through the mud, and a few small trees planted on the mud around the weather forecast station. Everyone just stand there still paralyzed with great fear in their heart. Perfectisme and I dared ourselves to walk up to the nearest hole and snuggle inside. It felt warm and welcoming. So we just rest there looking at the sun while everyone followed what we did.
"This is the most dreadful experience I have ever had." Perfectisme and I murmured as we closed our eyes and let the "interesting" day end.
September 24, 2010
Bullying is the BADDEST Thing in our lives!
Bullying is hurting someone. It's making someone fell bad. This an experience that happened in five grade.
It was a chilly morning at 5. 45 when my mom woke me up. I wanted to sleep for the whole day when I thought that it was our SWIM CARNIVAL! It was just an ordinary day at school with a thrilled feeling in everyone's heart. You can even hear people whispering about the beach balls in the teacher's room. Oh... How can we wait! But something happened during lunch time that changed my feelings. Well, not really me but it was Sandy that was hurt.
"BEEP!" The whistle had blown from the teacher's whistle. We lined up according to classes and everyone can't wait because... Swim Carnival is next!
While we were walking down the path way leading towards the staircase, Amy, who I thought was a bully, was chasing Sandy along the way. This is what happend. Amy pushed Sandy and she cried really hard because her knees hurt from the fell.
"ARe you okay Sandy?" I asked her comforting her. But realized that Amy wasn't there. My friend and I headed to Mrs Riley, our teacher, and told her what happened after we saw the nurse coming. Mrs. Riley told us to just have fun in the swimming pool while she go and check on Sandy. We didn't want to have fun in the pool without Sandy because she is like the "clown" to us. So quietly and unknowingly, we went to the nurse and along the way, there we saw. Sandy on a WHEELCHAIR not moving a single muscle! We know that Sandy will get something if she got a very scared. But we saw Mrs Riley with her and ran to the girl's bathroom near the pool and changed like a lightning bolt and jumped into the pool. And act like we didn't see Sandy on the wheelchair. But we can't really keep secrets so we told our classmates. We still hated Amy though.
But all of that was our history. Sandy had left the school and my friend and I want to forget about what happened to Sandy and just start a new life. Even though, I can still remember it like it was just yesterday. As I said, all of that is history and we can't change history but only the future. Live the happiest life in your life because it is your only life and you can't be alive in this world again. So, just life your life and stop bullying!
September 9, 2010
You Will Find Courage If You Know Where Is It.
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Just face the things that you fear! |
Courage. Courage means to me that it is the time you showed someone that you are not afraid of doing it or to have the guts to do it. Now, I am going to tell you about the time on my first airplane trip to Korea. South Korea.
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Fly up into the sky! |
It was a chilly afternoon when I was 4. I was so scared and excited. Do you want to know why? Well, because... I am going on my first airplane trip to Korea today. But my mom said that it is South Korea. I don't get the difference between South Korea and Korea! But I don't care about it! I care about that HUGE and SPACIOUS airplane in the airport! I don't know what it feels like to be on that HUGE and SPACIOUS airplane. Will it run on the track faster than the cars? Or swim like a Submarine under water? I just don't know! "Wait." my sister always say. "Just wait until you get there on that airplane" Wait? I can't wait! I need to go there on that airplane but I'm so scared! Well, I'm scared of the dark, the store room, ghost stories, airplanes and many other things! - Actually in real life now, airplane reminded me of a song! I'm writing about airplane right, well, i'm also listening to it, Airplane! :p Back to the story now - OH NO! There! I see it! I SEE... the airport. Okay, guys the airport to me is the second scariest thing ever in my whole wide life up to now. - Okay guys, well that was like what I thought when I was 4! :\ - What did you say? Are you asking me why the airport is the second scariest thing ever in my life? Well, because it is so crowded in there. And all that i can tell you is that huge unknown people go there doing what? I don't know! Well, this is what I found there. There is a water fountain found somewhere nearby the glass door leading towards the taxi stand, but I don't think you could drink that water because lots of people are sit on the short wall surrounding the water fountain. The water rises up to around reaching to the second level which is very high. Well, i was thinking about some fishes living in there but, that is enough chit chatting about that water fountain. So. There is lots of "casher counter" almost in the middle of the airport with a screen showing the number of the counter. But I really don't think that the airport is a supermarket! But anyways, my mom lead me and a bunch of relatives to one counter with quiet a long line full of people carrying their suitcase on their hand or maybe they put theirs on the floor. They are most likely in groups or in pairs or in singles waiting for their turn to the "Casher counter". So my sister and I when to find a place to sit while my aunt went to buy snacks for us to eat.
Once everything is done, like when it is time to check in. I was still wondering what will happen to me when I get on the plane. Every thing is still going smooth now... We are reaching the waiting area where people going to Korea or South Korea sits there and wait too. So my mom told me to put all my stuff on the conveyor belt and walk through the metal sensor thing. Because i didn't know why that thing is there so I scraped it as I walk through it. The policewoman asked me to go back and do it again. My mom told me that I should just walk through it without scraping it. Well, what's the difference? But I didn't ask her after I walk through it. I just kept my mouth shut. I picked up my stuff and stopped by another counter. The man standing there asked me for my passport and my fight ticket. Just when I was about to answer him, my mom came. She gave my passport and my flight ticket together with her's and my sister's to the man. Once it was ready, i headed to a sit together with 3 other sits nearby for my mom, sis, and aunt. Well, I don't remember if my brother went, but that's all i remember.
After a while, a air stewardess came out from the plane and asked all the people who have children to go into the plane first. And I was like "What the? Why me?" I was so nerves and scared because the last time i heard about airplane is that they crash and some huge fire surrounded the airplane and even on the airplane! So I walk down the steep slope leading towards the airplane. "Okay." I thought "I've showed courage in the airport so I needed to show courage on the airplane. Oh no!" So i'm currently on the aisle of the airplane. After we found our sit, my mom put our hand bags above out sit and settled down. I closed my eyes right after I sit down. "Courage. Where are you?" I murmured. After all the passengers arrived and settled down, the lights in the airplane's lights dimmed. Soon after some time, the airplane was running like a thunder storm! I graped my mom's wrist. It was like a roller coster ride. I want to go home! Then, I dared myself to look through that horrible window right beside me. I didn't want to. But I have to tell the people there with me that "Hey! People on the airplane! I am a four year old kid that is not afraid of the airplane" I had a small peek through the horrible, terrible window and saw something that made me relax. Clouds. Clouds was what i saw. "I DID IT!" I wanted to shout that. "I DID IT! I made it to the sky! I am not scared of the airplane anymore! Haha! Courage is with me!" I release my mom's hand in a trilled mood. Because I am on my way to South Korea without fearing the airplane.
I have finally know that courage is always with you and you just have to find it in you. This concept changed me forever. I became much more stronger. Because I have found Courage with me all the time. :)
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Believe in yourself. |
August 31, 2010
Relating to the Past
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Let's Look Into The Past! Found on: |
Understanding the past helps us to understand our world better. Why do I say that you might ask. Well, if you know the past and present better, you know what is the difference between the world hundreds or thousand years ago and the present. You will know who ruled Africa, Egypt and many more. You will know how do different languages came from.
Understanding the past helps me to know better about my religion and how do my ancestors live back in the olden days of their lives. No, not just my religion but other religion and races. I've learnt about how do the Kings and Queens live and rule the country back then like Henry VIII, the most married king. When I learnt that Henry VIII married six wife and has the title of having the most wife among the British Kings. His first wife is Katherine of Aragon from 1509-1533 but he divorced her. His second wife is Anne Boleyn 1533- 1536 but he had her beheaded. His third wife is Jane Seymour 1536-1537 Henry VIII didn't do any thing to her but when Seymour gave birth to a son, she died. Then his next wife is Anne of Cleves 1539- 1540 and he divorced. His fifth wife is Catherine Howard 1540- 1542, beheaded. His last and final wife is Catherine Parr who stayed with him until he died in 1547. And most of all I can remember it very clearly because of this "poem". "Divorced, Beheaded, Died. Divorced, Beheaded, Survived."
Knowing the past makes me know my ancestors' kind of life. What about you? Do you want to know about what your family past is? Then read about the past or ask your parents about it! So understanding the past makes me know what kind of world I am living in.
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The world is in our hands! |
August 14, 2010
Geographers is the BEST!!!!
Hi guys! This is my blog post #2 of my blog! Hope you like it! :)
When I grow up, I "want" to be a Geographer. Because, I like to go on an adventure alone and find mysterious things living in the world back in the olden days when the first two humans lived and also that I think that being a geographer is a easy and relaxing job. Why do the olden people live for so long and yet the modern people don't? Why are there whale bones on a high mountain when the sea is over a 100 meters or even a kilometer a part? How can a prince survive when a arrow poked through the prince's face right under the eye?
Well, all these questions are actually answered by geographers. Because geographers are scientist whose area of study is geography, the study of Earth's physical environment and human habitat. Geographers study not only the physical details of the environment but also its effects on human and wildlife ecology, weather and climate patterns, economics, and culture. You might think that geographers only study maps, but map making is actually the field of study of cartography. The questions I have mentioned just now in the first paragraphs are passed down or forgotten by many people. They are currently answered by geographers now in these days. Though the geographers used the modern devises, it takes a lot of time for them to answer them. Like the prince survived because the arrow didn't poke any veins or important veins of the body. And that made him survive but the question that was still going on is how on earth did the doctors in that time got the arrow , the arrow broke and the left overs were in the prince body, out of that face? The geographers worked very hard to answer them. even though I say that it is a relaxing easy job, but it will get harder when you want to find a accurate answer to that question in your mind or the question someone else asked you. But it's a fun job because you get to travel around same as archaeologist too!
Only a little bit of the people are geographer in the world. But I think that people should be a geographer if they like to go on a adventure, or study what people do back in the olden days, or maybe they want a relaxing job. So, I "want" to be a geographer when I grow up in the future and go on a adventure!
August 6, 2010
Introduction! :)
About me
Hi there! My name is Valerie and I come from Singapore. I lived in Singapore for 9 years. So you can say that that's my hometown. I love to eat pudding, ice-cream, potato chips and many more. I like to study math more than any other subjects in the world. This is the 2nd year in ISKL. So I now hope that you will like my blog page! :)
What are the last three books you have read?
I've read A Wrinkle In Time. It's a interesting book which is written by Madeleine L'Engle. A Wrinkle in Time is the first in a series of four book that follow the adventures of Meg Murry and Calvin O'Keefe. I've also read Postcard by Tony Abbott. When the grandmother he has never met dies, Jason joins his father in Florida for the funeral and to pack up her house. Jason finds a series of clues on postcards that lead him to a mystery story that may be about his grandmother and her strange and mysterious past. And I am reading a book called 'The Book of Story Beginnings'. And it is by Kristin Kladstrup. A boy named Oscar living in rural Iowa finds a book called "The Book of Story Beginnings." The book has one story beginning written by someone a long time ago, and Oscar writes the beginnings of three stories in it. Then he disappears, and his family never see him again. Almost a hundred years later, Oscar's great-niece, Lucy Martin, moves into the house in Iowa with her family. Lucy finds the Book of Story Beginnings, and after reading Oscar's story beginnings, she writes one of her own. That's when the trouble starts. Lucy's father turns into a bird and flies away, and just at that moment, Oscar reappears. Oscar tells her his story, a story that was what he wrote in the Book. Then he and Lucy set out to find and rescue her father and set things right
What is the last movie you have seen?
The last movie I've seen is 'A Wrinkle In Time' as I have already said in the second paragraph.
What is one academic goal you have for this year?
My academic goal I have for this year is to do more math assessments. So that my knowledge of math will be bigger than now, in the beginning of the year.
What is one social goal you have for this year?
My social goal for this year is to read and read and read more books. So that I can improve my Humanities.
What is your favorite vacation memory?
My favourite vacation memory is when I go to Genting Highlands with my classmates.
List 5 adjectives to describe yourself.
1. Neutral
2. Likes to draw
3. A bookworm freak
4. Quiet
5. Friendly
Hi there! My name is Valerie and I come from Singapore. I lived in Singapore for 9 years. So you can say that that's my hometown. I love to eat pudding, ice-cream, potato chips and many more. I like to study math more than any other subjects in the world. This is the 2nd year in ISKL. So I now hope that you will like my blog page! :)
What are the last three books you have read?
I've read A Wrinkle In Time. It's a interesting book which is written by Madeleine L'Engle. A Wrinkle in Time is the first in a series of four book that follow the adventures of Meg Murry and Calvin O'Keefe. I've also read Postcard by Tony Abbott. When the grandmother he has never met dies, Jason joins his father in Florida for the funeral and to pack up her house. Jason finds a series of clues on postcards that lead him to a mystery story that may be about his grandmother and her strange and mysterious past. And I am reading a book called 'The Book of Story Beginnings'. And it is by Kristin Kladstrup. A boy named Oscar living in rural Iowa finds a book called "The Book of Story Beginnings." The book has one story beginning written by someone a long time ago, and Oscar writes the beginnings of three stories in it. Then he disappears, and his family never see him again. Almost a hundred years later, Oscar's great-niece, Lucy Martin, moves into the house in Iowa with her family. Lucy finds the Book of Story Beginnings, and after reading Oscar's story beginnings, she writes one of her own. That's when the trouble starts. Lucy's father turns into a bird and flies away, and just at that moment, Oscar reappears. Oscar tells her his story, a story that was what he wrote in the Book. Then he and Lucy set out to find and rescue her father and set things right
What is the last movie you have seen?
The last movie I've seen is 'A Wrinkle In Time' as I have already said in the second paragraph.
What is one academic goal you have for this year?
My academic goal I have for this year is to do more math assessments. So that my knowledge of math will be bigger than now, in the beginning of the year.
What is one social goal you have for this year?
My social goal for this year is to read and read and read more books. So that I can improve my Humanities.
What is your favorite vacation memory?
My favourite vacation memory is when I go to Genting Highlands with my classmates.
List 5 adjectives to describe yourself.
1. Neutral
2. Likes to draw
3. A bookworm freak
4. Quiet
5. Friendly
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