August 14, 2010

Geographers is the BEST!!!!

Hi guys! This is my blog post #2 of my blog! Hope you like it! :)

When I grow up, I "want" to be a  Geographer. Because, I like to go on an adventure alone and find mysterious things living in the world back in the olden days when the first two humans lived and also that I think that being a geographer is a easy and relaxing job. Why do the olden people live for so long and yet the modern people don't? Why are there whale bones on a high mountain when the sea is over a 100 meters or even a kilometer a part? How can a prince survive when a arrow poked through the prince's face right under the eye?

Well, all these questions are actually answered by geographers. Because geographers are scientist whose area of study is geography, the study of Earth's physical environment and human habitat. Geographers study not only the physical details of the environment but also its effects on human and wildlife ecology, weather and climate patterns, economics, and culture. You might think that geographers only study maps, but map making is actually the field of study of cartography. The questions I have mentioned just now in the first paragraphs are passed down or forgotten by many people. They are currently answered by geographers now in these days. Though the geographers used the modern devises, it takes a lot of time for them to answer them. Like the prince survived because the arrow didn't poke any veins or important veins of the body. And that made him survive but the question that was still going on is how on earth did the doctors in that time got the arrow , the arrow broke and the left overs were in the prince body, out of that face? The geographers worked very hard to answer them. even though I say that it is a relaxing easy job, but it will get harder when you want to find a accurate answer to that question in your mind or the question someone else asked you. But it's a fun job because you get to travel around same as archaeologist too!

Only a little bit of the people are geographer in the world. But I think that people should be a geographer if they like to go on a adventure, or study what people do back in the olden days, or maybe they want a relaxing job. So, I "want" to be a geographer when I grow up in the future and go on a adventure!

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