October 16, 2010

Let's Just Pretend that I'm a Mud Skipper...

Here is a mud skipper! :P

Found from http://threestarowl,com/wp-content/upload/2008/11/mudskwb.jpg
Err... Not that... That's a "fish" which doesn't look like a fish. This
From: http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_BneDwBdpxpo/St62SM5mzfl/AAAAAAAAAyc/HoJM1VXM01c/s400/suncheonbay_mudskipper1.bmp
Is the real mud skipper. 

Have you ever feel like thinking what does a mud skipper do or think? Do you even understand how we feel about other creature in this lonely world? Well, if it is a yes, you are lucky enough to have me to write a story about the day I had experienced the worse but not that worse day ever with my cameramen, Makemedo What, and the most annoying mud skipper I have ever seen, my team-mate, Perfectisme. 

"Hey guys, this is Lamooyum, the most famous and amazing reporter here. I would like to report to you guys that there is some unknown creature that has been ruling over the world these days known as humans are attacking our Muddy COUNTRY! Even through their hair is different, like the color, they are still wearing the famous Puah Chu Kang's shoe (a famous actor in Singapore) ! And they are walking very slowly across the paddy field. Some of them are trapped in our traps that we made in some places. But unfortunately, most of them just ran away like an airplane! Oh no! They are coming! Closer and closer... AHHHHHHHH!!!"

*Puack* *Puack* *Puack* 

"Are you there? We still have the news to report Lamooyum!" Makemedo What asked.

"Help meee..." a faint voice asked. Makemedo What found Lamooyum and pulled him out.

"Okay, lucky that I'm the fastest run-away in this world, and that makes me still not dead... So let's continue this news. These humans are destroying our weather forecast station by planting the trees on top of it. So there will be no more weather news for US!!! And also, they are actually helping us to plant the trees which is NOT a good thing because then there will be lesser space for us live in!" I continued.

"Oh no... He's ruining everything again! Here let me do it." Perfectisme said and pushed me aside and started his speech. "Actually, they are helping us to have more food to eat, and shelter, and air, and many more. So I think that we have to be grateful to them-"

"What are you talking about?!?!" I interrupted "They are no good... AHHHH!!!" Everyone, including me, screamed like mad cows as we run into different directions and hide in a root of a tree after we saw a young boy with spiky hair, which the people on the rock called him Gerald, went straight into the biggest trap that we stand on just now. 

"Thiss... iss Per... Perfect... Perfectismeee speakinggg... The best way to nnoot get killed is to hide unnnderr the tree and stay there until you don't hear anything at all... This is Pertectisme speaking and you are watching "Emergency M.I.High." Perfectisme said in a timid voice to the camera. 

After 1 hour and 30 minutes, everyone in the Muddy County scattered around the country to see what had happened. All they saw was millions of hole dug through the mud, and a few small trees planted on the mud around the weather forecast station. Everyone just stand there still paralyzed with great fear in their heart. Perfectisme and I dared ourselves to walk up to the nearest hole and snuggle inside. It felt warm and welcoming. So we just rest there looking at the sun while everyone followed what we did. 

"This is the most dreadful experience I have ever had." Perfectisme and I murmured as we closed our eyes and let the "interesting" day end.

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