November 18, 2010

The benefit of a LIT. CIRCLE!!!! :P

A partner was given to everyone in class to help us with our Lit. Circle. My partner was Khairi and together, we are reading ' True Confession Of Charlotte Doyle' and we've been through difficulties that helped us to complete the Lit Circle. There are still times when we go through troubles too.

"Lit Circle with a twist"... What's the benefits of working with a partner you say? Well, the benefits... there are tons of benefits! The first benefit is that you can less do work! No... just kidding... it's the help that you can get from your friend / partner. The help that you get can help you to learn what are the mistakes that you've made. Not just vocabulary but also how you write the sentence in a proper way. The second benefit is that you get to use one of the SLR to finish this Lit Circle (with a twist). Which is Collaborate Constructively. Just by collaborating constructively, you can work with your partner and make the Lit circle a successful Lit Circle.But of course, we have conflicts that we would have to overcome.

Maybe some other groups doesn't have any problems but you can't be sure about that. But from what I know, is that we had a few problems. First, we didn't know what partners we've gotten within me and Khairi because Kamilla and Sol didn't tell us. That is one problem. But after a few discussions, we've got set with Kamilla with Sol and me with Khairi but here is another problem. We have only the afternoon and night time to finish this Lit Circle when there are tons to do. So we started solving it by pushing all the tuition homework and the other homework aside first and start to work on the Lit Circle until late at night. :( But it's all in the past now! It's all gone! Now, we just have to think of the future. :P

By working with your partners, you gained new understandings about the novel like example, the partner that you work with see something that you don't actually see. They see the event as a useful way instead of a useless way that you see. Because you worked with a partner, you can widen your knowledge of the book that you are reading and you can also understand the book better.

So, I think you get a rough idea of what  is the benefit of working with a partner right? Well, hope you did. See you in the next blogpost! :P

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