January 10, 2011

Welcome 2011!!!!!!! :D

Happy New Year everyone!!! Of course, you would have to write your new year resolutions right? Urgh... Writing on the first day of school... But still have to write! It's humanities alright! Here are my resolutions! :D

My First resolution is to study hard (do lots of assessments just to get caught up in Singapore school D:). The reason why I have this resolution is because I feel like I didn't learn what Singapore has taught the other kids in primary schools and moreover, I have to go back to Singapore one day to continue studies there which is kind of hard... SO STRESSFUL!!! Studies there in Singapore is somehow like torture! Teachers spam you with tons of homework that you can't finish in one day (when the homework is due on the next day ). Oh I know this is somehow a boring resolution... But it's time for the next resolution! My Second resolution is to be crazy and active and helpful! The reason why I made this resolution is because this is the only fun way to make friends so that we can know each other better and make ISKL a much more fun place to study in. Because I realized that everyone becomes very bored after vacations like they don't want to go to school or even thinking "Why does school even exist?" So being crazy, active and helpful can cheer people up and think that this is the place where you enter to another world and think "I love School! I hope that school hours can be longer!" Well, that's what I hope...

That's about my New Year resolution. What about your's well you can tell me your New Year resolutions by commenting on this blog post! :D Can't wait to see what are your New Year resolutions!!! Well, enough about New Year resolutions. I know that you would want to know how I spend my holidays in four different places. This is what happened...

First, I went to Singapore. And there I visited Auntie Tabby's new house which it is almost done that looks like this:

 Which is almost done. Wish her good luck with her new home! But no offense, it's kind of small and I can't imagine how she can transform her small house into something that you might think that the house is spacious! But not only did we go to Auntie Tabby's house, we went also to IKEA with Auntie Amelia with her daughter and Auntie Tabby too. We didn't do much in IKEA though. We just ate lunch there and didn't buy anything else. I don't think that I can remember all the things that I did in Singapore because I went there on the 21st of December and return on the 25th of December.

Next, we went to Genting Highlands. The weather there was okay just a bit cold and stand able. We played in the outside theme park and went for a few rides because the other rides were scary like the spider one.

 This one. Do you remember? I don't know the name of this ride but it looks kind of scary. And there is another one too!

This too! Because this is about 10 stories high ( I guess )! And I am sort of afraid of heights so I didn't ride on this one... But the most fun ride that I went was kind of  "what is this?" or "Dude seriously?!!?!?"

Yes. It's the tea cup alright... This is the most fun ride in Genting I tell ya'! Because my brother, my sister and I spun like mad cows until we thought that the cup was tilting and we also thought that it was over and we are like the only ones still spinning like we are unstoppable! But that is just the second place that my family went to... There is still more!

The third place that we went was A'Famosa. There, all of my mom's relatives came all the way from Singapore to A'Famosa to celebrate New Year. On the first day, we get to know the place better and then ride on horses!

Here is a map of A'Famosa. Here you can see how big it is and how we sometimes got lost.

And here is the horse ride Which you only get to ride on it for three small rounds. How I wish that I can have my own horse and I can ride on it everyday into the forest... Ah! How I wish... Whao! Sorry! Kept you left out there so that's all we did on the first day. On the second day, we went to the animal world then the water world. In the Animal World, what I like most is the animal show.

Here in this show, we can see all the different abilities that animal can do that we don't expect that they could do. After an amazing, incredible show from the animals, we headed to the Water World to relax ourselves!
 We first headed to the tsunami pool which is very cold for the first time going under water after such a long time on land. After getting use to the temperature of the water, I swam to the deep end of the pool with my brother, sister and cousin and hung around there for a minuet or so then we have to leave and head to the lazy river. We ( my uncle, aunt, cousins and siblings ) took two two-seater float and raced to the destination on where we are heading and my team won! But we earned nothing in return... But we still went on the family ride which is AWESOME!!!! I went on the ride for two times before it's time to head to the other ride. This ride however, can be played by a single player or a doubled player. It's fun but the tunnel slide ( the dark version of this ride )  wasn't working so didn't get to ride on it. Sad... D: But we had fun in the Water World. Until it's time to head back to the house.

At night, all of us went to the Cowboy Town and watched the Red Indian Show.
Usually you will feel cold at night right? But when you watch the Red Indian Show, you will feel like you're in boiling hot water because the Red Indian "blows" fire out of his mouth which he sometimes will be very close to you. Geez... I wonder how thy do that!

After the spectacular performance is over, we got to watch an amazing firework display that the managements arranged. Then, we headed back to our house and did a little celebration for welcoming 2011. We played cards, we played with the fire cracker, we play lots of other stuff too! We also did countdowns. 10... 9... 8... 7... 6... 5... 4... 3... 2... 1... HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! We tossed each other with our drink and wished everyone happy new year and that is the BEST memory I've ever had.

I'm going to stop here because if I continue, it will go on forever!!! And you don't want that to happen don't you? So this is my New Year resolutions and how I celebrated New Year and my holiday. Actually, there is only one more place to tell you but I think I heard some people screaming "Nooooooo!!!!!" or "Oh God! This will take forever!!!!" in your hearts right? See! I just know you all too well. Alright folks! If you want to know more about my adventure, stay tuned! Oh! And...


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