May 22, 2011

Wowieee!!!! It's going to end soon in 3 more weeks.... sigh

Hyie Bloggy! It's been a long time since I chatted with you! XD It's going to be the end of Grade 6 and most people are going to leave ISKL... I often wondered why they have to leave but the only answer I got is "This is life." I mean seriously?! Isn't there another answer? Even though I want to talk more, I can't really because "This is life!" What else would I write about? The end of another school year...
There are lots of works that we did in 6th grade but I find that the Tic Tac Toe are the ones that I am proud of because I love fun works and not serious ones. (you can actually see that because I goofed off on the first paragraph :P) In T.T.T., Mrs Narsiman gave us a 3 - 3 rubric and we have to chose three assignments to do. Like how you play tic tac toe. For the first tic tac toe, I'm with Li-yen, she is like my twin because people get mixed up with us but we don't look alike :\, and Kamilla who is always organised she told us what to do and we just followed she did the writing while me and Li-yen did the creative things XD I feel so mean to Kamilla now that I think back! Giving Kamilla all the hard writing and me doing the drawing. We did the Mafatu's Island, Neanderthal Comic and the Courage essay. Everything turned out good but after the presentation, some people destroyed our Island. Maybe they didn't like it or they are jealous... XD the second and the last T.T.T., we did fun assignments and those assignments are Diary, Religion Rap, and Notable Leader Imovie. I did these assignments with Kamilla again, but with Fynnola this time. Not Li-Yen. I did the Rap and it was kind of fail but I liked it because I made the Rap into a remix and it turned out to be kind of cool because we were the only only ones doing a remix. And I feel proud of that because we are special. XD
My greatest challenge is doing the literature circles. Every time I read a book, I just read. I don't read and tell people which part is important and what I don't understand. I just don't like to tell everyone what I think or feel about the book. So the greatest challenge is to find a good passage and think of a question that is good enough to get a good grade. It wasn't me so at the beginning, I worked very hard to get a passage and did whatever I had to do on the Literature circle sheet. That was my greatest challenge.
Even though school work is important, but behavior is also important. I'm a satisfactory based on Nadia's opinion. Why she say that? Well she told me that I goofed off sometimes and I talk to my friends when I am suppose to be listening to the teacher telling me about what we were suppose to do. I should improve on that.
The other one is participation. I'm a satisfactory because I participated but sometimes, I'm tired or sad about some things so I didn't participate and that is a bad thing about me. So got to push that up to a perfect!
The next one is organisation. I am super neat according to Nadia, but I would give myself a satisfactory because I am very neat in my locker, and stuff. But not homework. I tend to do my fun stuff like watching shows, facebooking (if that is even a word) and tweeting. So, to improve on that, make a time table XD
The last one is effort. I would give myself middle of satisfactory and I would always go above and beyond what is required. The reason why I gave myself a middlish is that because i sometimes daze off and wander around. But I always try to stay focus and put in all the effort I have to the work I have to do.
My goal for next year is to be much more organised and do what i have to do. My second goal for next year is to push up my participation and get to whatever things that is offered to me.
One of the advises that I wanted to tell you guys is to not stress out and just have some fun! Nothing is better than having fun. I know that the first week of school is always very bad. Can't open lockers or get to class on time. But after a while, you would get use to it and you might even do or go with your eyes closed XD