February 11, 2011

WHAT!??! YOUR PHARAOH IS KING TUT?! Well mine is way cooler than your's mine is Senusret I

Recently, my class studied a specific Pharaoh from Ancient Egypt (because it is all about Egypt for this trimester I hope...) with a partner. So I picked Li-Yen to work with me on Senusret 1. We just finished our project recently and I think that we did a pretty good job and if you want to see our project, here's our project:
Did you like it? Well I hope you did. Well because this is a blogpost for school, I would of course need to answer some questions. So I'm goin gto answer the questions now and stop the chit chatting. Okay? Right. Here are the questions.
1. Why do you think Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs created monuments?
2. What monuments in our society are similar? (be sure to provide explanations and graphics).
3. How did the using google docs as the main portal for collaboration help you with this assignment?
4. What did you learn from this assignment?
5. What was challenging?
6. Which schoolwide learning results were evident in this assignment? So for question number 1, Ancient Egyptian Pharaohs created monuments because I think that they wanted the people in the future to remember them and so that they can be famous until the world ended. They might think of having everything they wanted and didn't think of the others. They wanted every single person that lives on earth to know that he once ruled Egypt and that is what I think Pharaohs build monuments for. Just to jot down what they did. Next question of number 2 is What monuments in our society are similar? (be sure to provide explanations and graphics). I would chose the Twin Towers from Malaysia build by a Japanese consortium led by the Hazama Corporation. Here is a picture of the twin towers. The reason why I chose the twin towers is because it is standing for a long time representing KL, Malaysia and people from near places can take a visit here and look at the bridge that connects both of the towers and also, we are in KL so it is actually very lucky for us to have an example of a monument right under our noses! The other monuments that I would like to share is the Taipei 101 by C.Y. Lee and Partners, a Taiwanese architectural firm that was also responsible for Kaohsiung's Tuntex Sky Tower. Here is just a picture of it. The reason why I chose this specific monument is because it has two things that is recorded in the world record book. First, it is one of the tallest building (as you can see) and the second one is that it has the fastest elevator in the world! And so i think that it is a great example for a monument because it is like a combination of two world records.
Okay, next question is How did the using google docs as the main portal for collaboration help you with this assignment? Well basically, I think that using Google Docs as the main portal is good for collaboration because that way, you can just have a bunch of people writing on the document so that other people can see what you've written and can add suggestions or work on the document instead of carrying a thumdrive every where you are and then take turns to work on the project. So for me, personally. I think that using Google Doc is much more easier than Microsoft Word.
Time for the 4th question, What did you learn from this assignment? After all th ehard work, we ended up learning more about the Pharaoh that we studied. For me, I learned that there was not only Cleopatra and King Tut that was famous. There were Senusret I, Hapsetsut (however you spell it), and Ramsus II I also learned that it was Senusret I that build the White Chapel and the White Chapel really exist. There were a lot of things that we learned from our Pharaoh project. So much that even my head would burst! But these that i've listed is only 1 tenth of the information that we learn...
Finally, for the fifth question.What was challenging? Seriously Mrs. Narsiman... What was challenging... OF COURSE EVERYTHING WAS CHALLENGING!!! No i'm just kidding... Here's the truth. The recording was challenging, the script writing was challenging, the picture hunt was challenging, the information was challenging... BUT the most challenging of them all was... the picture hunt. Yes it's the picture hunt... You don't know how long it took me to find 10 pictures! Almost 30min I tell ya'! 30 MINS! Can you believe that? It took me 30 mins just to take the perfect picture. But if you're in Spoken Word... You'll be long dead. But we are not talking about Spoken Word. So it took me at least 3 days to at least find the pictures and easybib it. Well that's about it. Time for the last question... OMG! When will this end?!??!
Okay... Last but not least, it's the... last question of the (two) day... Which schoolwide learning results were evident in this assignment? I would really think that it is... Collaborate Constructively because without collaborating, the project will be a DISASTER!!! And without collaborating, we wouldn't even know when to start, work, find information, who do what blah blah blah blah. So I think that Collaborating Constructively really help to make this project successful.