December 17, 2010

Want to know about our life here in ISKL?

Here is a quick preview of my Zeitgeist.

Do you know about how cool our school s already?!?!?!?!?!??!!?!? What are you waiting for? Come and join the fun!

December 2, 2010

Which side are you on? The Left side or The Right side?

"Oh my! How do you know so much about me?!"
"Because this blogpost of yours says so!"
"Oh... But I didn't write that..."
"Are you kidding me? Of course you did! Read it!"

Dear teachers... and friends... and not forgetting you guys... yeah you guys reading this blogpost,

Hey there! Yeah you. Reading this post. Do you want to know my profile? Well, if you want, here is is! Enjoy! :P

My profile is 'Obviously Odd'! (profile OO)  Why is it 'Obviously Odd' you ask? Because... I have a dominate left eye, right ear, left hand and lastly, right foot. I KNOW! That's why I call it Obviously Odd. :) Okay, no more chit chatting and get back to the subject. 

If you want to know more about me, here is my profile. I'm gestalt. And I'm profile OO. 
  • Functional : Visual,  and Kinesthetic Communication. 
  • Limited Under Stress: Auditory, and Movement.

I learn best through movement and by focusing on the whole picture, and is context and emotional relevance to myself. As a visual and kinesthetic learner, I must see the whole picture and physically do what is being learned. I appreciate metaphors, examples and associations when problem solving. I visually grasp the main idea but my have great difficulty seeing and communicating the details in a linear way. So please help me with that! :) 

And this is something for Mrs. Narsiman. My left eye scans from right to left and it is possible that I may have difficulty reading or writing languages that move from left to right like ENGLISH!!! And I may reverse or transpose letters or numbers... 

Mrs. Smith, maybe the next sentence is for you... I prefer not to follow step-by-step visual instructions and tends to start by imagining the end results and then intuitively doing what seem appropriate. So, I sometimes will get irritated if I have to show workings.

MR. SMITH! This next one is for you! :P I may have difficulty with penmanship because the eye and hand don't work together and my movements tend to be uncontrolled and fluid when relaxed. 

When I'm under stress, I may move forward with caution feeling clumsy and stuck. My biggest challenge will be to access the pieces of information, and be able to put them together in a linear logical manner and communicate it. So, please help me with that... :)

For me and the people who are profile OO, we need encouragement and good modeling of how to work with and communicate the details and linear aspects of life and learning.

To teachers out there, it will benefit me from sitting close to the front on the left hand side which I can move without disturbing other classmates. 

Activities like reading out loud, Thinking Caps from Brain Gym, megaphones, toning the vowels and hand-eye coordination play like Lazy 8's for writing, double doodles, and integrated cross-lateral foot play like crawl, walking, soccer, dancing and martial arts like Tai Chi may help me A LOT! For some of the activities, i don't really know so maybe teachers or friends can help me out?

Another thing that helps me is an integrative balance of art, music, movement and interpersonal skills combined with cognitive endeavors in linguistics and mathematics will be very useful. 

Now that you know about me, I want to know about your profile... What is your profile?

Signing off! :P

HEY WAIT! I wanna show you a picture of me! ( and my profile picture! :P)

Here it is! Okay... this is the real one...

Signing Off! :P

"Oh... That's how you know about me..."
"Yep. And did you write this?"
"Yes but, not sure about the picture..."
"Heheheee... Let me tell you a secret... You wrote all of this information including the pictures... What about all of you out there? What is your information and picture?"

Signing Off! :D :)